Friday, November 26, 2004

Oh Nintendo, you're so crafty.

Let me just talk about Animal Crossing for a second. It's a Gamecube game from Japan that looks outdated and kiddy. There's no story and there's no point. And it's hella fun. Now I just need to find other little deformed baby people to move into my town so I can teach the computer to call them "fart faces".

That's just me though, I happen to be a sucker for games from Japan that aren't quite mainstream (Animal Crossing, Jet Grind Radio, etc.) I know they aren't for everyone, which is fine.

Today has been....I dunno. I guess average would be a good word. It's just been moving along at a medium pace. And all the Adam Sandler stand-up fans laughed. 4 1/2 more hours until sweet sweet freedom and release in the form of the weekend with Amanda. Hurry up.

I've also been realizing lately that co-op has taught me some really valuable things.

1) I hate doing dishes (ok...I already knew this one)
2) I can eat noodles all week and it doesn't make me sick
3) Work isn't as stressful as school, your parents were wrong kids
4) I don't want to work in this specific branch of computer science for the next 40 years

Yeah...that about covers it. Oh, and I learned that to access a drive on a network computer that isn't shared, you can type 'c$' in the command line (or d$ or e$, you get the idea). Fascinating stuff.

Well, lunch is over now, so I guess I should get cracking on something work related now.

Oh, and a little comic I made can be seen over at



Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving

The only thing I love more than coming into work is coming into work and being barraged with problems you weren't expecting. If Elevator Three's computer stops working one more time, I'm going to go Hulk and start smashing things. And my pants are going to stay conveniently unripped just like the Hulk.

No green though.

I used to hate green when I was a kid. Well...wearing green. I'm not sure why. I would refuse to wear green shirts. All the other colours were fine, save green. Who knows, maybe i was stalked as a child by a green-sweater wearing ghost. Or maybe my mom dropped me while wearing a green shirt. Or maybe I'm just psychotic.

I need to link amanda's site somewhere in this oh-so-pretty template sometime, but until then:

And finally, in reference to my title...Happy Thanksgiving America. You guys really do have the better Thanksgiving. I'm going to look into convincing Canada to make theirs a four day holiday too. In the meantime, I'll just dream of turkey and pumpkin pie while I eat noodles for lunch.

Good luck in your meeting manda, love you


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

The old man followed me around the shop in an ominous manner...

Ok, first off, I was going to introduce Eekers the sad sock monkey today, but apparently blogger doesn't host images. So until I can figure that out....back to doing your crazy monkey deeds.

Ah, today is full of suck. An old man at the computer repair store tried to "keep me busy" while I was waiting for the repair by getting me to take a look at another broken computer.


That wasn't meant in a dirty way. hahahaha


I'm not sure why people automatically assume computer science majors want to fix computers, but we don't. Especially when that's what we do at work.

While I was waiting, I did get a chance to do a lot of pacing and thinking though. It's really amazing how much of both you can get done when you have an hour of free time. Thoughts of Amanda (she was the most by far ;) ), my family, friends, school, video games, work, and other random shit rushed through my brain like a turtle on crack cocaine. I guess that's sort of fast. Yeah.

They had a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar up there too. My first thought when I looked at it was "Why is laying in the sand sexy? Sand gets in everywhere. That's not sexy at all." hahaha's true. Oh nefarious sand, you've not bested me yet.

ok, I need to write an email to you-know-who and get to work (might be awhile on the email :S)


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Spew forth your bitter black urine!

I'm kind of enamored with blogger so far. No ads to speak of, and it seems to work on everyone's computer, unlike some free web space providers...*cough*Angelfire*cough*

I was just browsing through some of the other blogs on here. What can I say, I don't seem like the typical blogger user. Or maybe I just looked at a bad batch. Generally speaking, everyone else who uses this service is

a)A teenage girl
b)A troubled teenage girl
c)An Everquest fanatic
d)From New Zealand

Or some combination. I'm not any of those, although Lord knows we could use more New Zealanders. I love those little hobbits.

A little about me? I'm a 20 year old computer science major who's too lazy and poor to host his own website. I have a fantastic girlfriend named Amanda who also has her own blog and website, which I will link just as soon as I muster up the courage to add the hypertext.

Hm. I was trying to think of a clever way to work in the phrase "It's like I'm kicking the shit out of a tiny badger statue", but it really just doesn't fit.

Someone yesterday told me Half-Life 2 was "orgasmic". That didn't make me more eager to play. Nope...not at all.

Hopefully future posts won't be as fractured as this.

The first of many?

Well, here it is. I finally caved in and started using a ready made blog.

And now I have to run.



Ah, I do love a good work emergency, even small and unimportant ones.

To all my adoring fans....I'll write a real post sometime tonight. And possibly change the look of Buttery Justice. I had no idea Buttery Justice could be so fruity. Creamy, yes. Fruity, no.