Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I like it when other people wear santa suits

The title is ever so true.

It was snowing here. Pretty much all day. Really light, fluffy, and slow. Exactly how it should snow on Christmas. Christmas and every weekday for those of you in highschool.

I miss PA days. I think work needs more of them. I think everything needs more PA days.

I've been noticing with my blog that I very rarely have anything interesting to write about because it always seems to centre around me at work.

"Work sucks."

"I want to go home."

"So and so looks like a monkey, but not in a good way"

"Who's so and so?"

"I don't know."

For example, our resident problem user somehow deleted some important database files at 4:15 this afternoon, asked us to fix it. So we did, and then I went to find her...and she had left and gone home.

Who doesn't stay around until their problem is fixed.

It...was....4.....30. Who leaves for home at 4:30 when there's a major network problem?

Apparently her.

And here I go again. My original point was that no one want to listen to me complain about my job or school. And so....I want my blog to have a theme. Be it video games, computer science, superheroes and the ladies that love them. I dunno. But a theme it needs.

Any input would be appreciated, whether it be from top half (love you) or somebody else.

This will require thought.