Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Nothing to post, la la la

Nothing really to post here.


Work has been...frustrating for the last two days. Yesterday consisted of bug-squashing for 6 hours because I stupidly didn't back-up some code I had been working on.

And today? I made some changes to code and removed a TON of code because I didn't think it was needed, only to have the dev decide "Hey yea...actually let's do that." About an hour later.

The moral of the story? Always keep backups of what you're working on.


T-minus....what, a day? 2 days? A week? until I found out just how bad the damage to my car is. $1500+ bill here I come!

Man, I don't think any of this post will be understandable to anyone except amanda. Too late, keep going!
