Saturday, July 09, 2005


I guess my posts have decided to be a monthly event. A-Booyah.

What's happened in the last month? Let me see...

1) My brother moved to Michigan. The kid's been talking about moving back to the States for a long time, and he finally did it. Good for him. He's going to collefe down there and living with family. Collefe is like college, only there are more "F's" And by "F's", I mean sandwiches.

2) Working on grinding some rust spots out of my car today. My grandparents organized a surprise visit this weekend, so my grandpa and I have been attacking those spots with various tools (grinder, sandpaper, some sort of spinning wheel of uh....scratchyness, bondo, fibreglass, etc.) It seems to be going well.

3) I've been playing 3 different video games lately. Dark Cloud 2 (PS2), Jet Set Radio Future (Xbox), and Mario Kart: Double Dash (GC). All are pretty awesome in very japanese ways. I'd explain them more, but nobody cares.

4) Fallout kicks ass.

5) 3 sir!

6) JatHack G.0 epiphany last night. Jarrett likes it.

7) I miss Amanda. Come visitttt

8) We got a new puppy. Her name is Sassafrass, and she's a fox terrier. She weighs about 4 pounds. She bites my fingers a lot. My keyboarding may never be the same.

That is all.