Wednesday, August 03, 2005

gunpowder, burning under my skin is a site that I visit semi-frequently, and this site seems like something the people who read this site would find funny.

The work term is winding down, and that damnable work report is weighing down on me already. My only consolation is that it's 3 out of 4. Surely I can write just two more reports. I can make it that long. I will make it that long.

This weekend should be low-key and fun. Spending Friday/Saturday with Amanda, which is always good. We don't have any solid plans, but it sounds like we might fool around with Mario Kart some more, even though we finally finished it on Sunday night. That game is like a drug. Amanda's also been threatening to get me started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so that seems semi-likely too. I wouldn't say I'm a Joss Whedon fanatic, but I like what I've seen so I'll give it a shot.

Sunday afternoon I'm hanging out with Gee and probably playing Cube. Spiderman 2/Resident Evil 4 anyone? I think I'm going to make Gee play RE4 and make loud noises at random intervals. That would be fantastic.

And while I'm thinking of it, everyone go out and buy a Resident Evil 4. Honest. It's better than Half Life 2. You only wish I was kidding.

Leon Kennedy just kicked Gordon Freeman's ass