Oh Nintendo, you're so crafty.
Let me just talk about Animal Crossing for a second. It's a Gamecube game from Japan that looks outdated and kiddy. There's no story and there's no point. And it's hella fun. Now I just need to find other little deformed baby people to move into my town so I can teach the computer to call them "fart faces".
That's just me though, I happen to be a sucker for games from Japan that aren't quite mainstream (Animal Crossing, Jet Grind Radio, etc.) I know they aren't for everyone, which is fine.
Today has been....I dunno. I guess average would be a good word. It's just been moving along at a medium pace. And all the Adam Sandler stand-up fans laughed. 4 1/2 more hours until sweet sweet freedom and release in the form of the weekend with Amanda. Hurry up.
I've also been realizing lately that co-op has taught me some really valuable things.
1) I hate doing dishes (ok...I already knew this one)
2) I can eat noodles all week and it doesn't make me sick
3) Work isn't as stressful as school, your parents were wrong kids
4) I don't want to work in this specific branch of computer science for the next 40 years
Yeah...that about covers it. Oh, and I learned that to access a drive on a network computer that isn't shared, you can type 'c$' in the command line (or d$ or e$, you get the idea). Fascinating stuff.
Well, lunch is over now, so I guess I should get cracking on something work related now.
Oh, and a little comic I made can be seen over at http://www.livejournal.com/~dropsofsilver
does anyone read this, other than me?
especially since you didn't link it off your old site :P
how is anyone supposed to know about this?
silly trevor
I do!
But I am in very many ways to connected to Amanda.
See, someone reads it besides you!
Not someone I'm friends with (nothing personal Laura, you seem very nice), but someone all the same!
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