Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Woe to the holder of the SKUs

Today's been a not too bad day at work, except for nothing quiiiiite going right. Not bad though. I've decided to try to be more cheerful at work. It's actually working so far. I've been saying Hello and smiling twice as much as I ever was before....possibly more. Possibly million times more cheerful. Think the Joker from Batman, only without the psychotic look and clown makeup. Or purple suit. I hope. But otherwise, just like that.

I'm a little worried about the old ladies that live in the gift shop upstairs. I've brought a debit terminal into their home, and it's a strange and mysterious contraption. They've got printed instructions, but I dunno. Out of the two I gave instruction too, the one old lady was not too bad, and the other one was ok too. The second one though, seemed kind of stoned. You know those old ladies that live in the cavernous walls of gift shops. Always with the drugs. Bad old ladies! Bad!

I hear Jarrett (who I may, someday, tell about this blog) very nearly got lucky the other night. Way to be man, way to be. I'm sure if Gee would have given you some advice instead of laughing the entire time, you would have "a-sealed, the deeeee-ul" as Strong bad would say.

*Seals your deal*

Amanda just sent me an awesome little story about a thugging frog who accused her of stealing his lilypads with her mind powers. I want mind powers too. I want to be like Luke Skywalker, only less whiny and not incestuous, or like Yoda, only greener.

I can't wait for 5


At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought you had scarring childhood issues with the colour green?

continuity broken'd

love you

At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


SKU can be like 'scoo'

it makes them cooler


At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, watch out for those stoned old ladies. They are the tools of Satan. Twice. Or not.



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